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The Lady of Shalott Ext. 22

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What Is Their Higher Self Trying to Tell You?

And down the river's dim expanse,

Like some bold seër in a trance

Seeing all his own mischance--

With a glassy countenance

Did she look to Camelot.

And at the closing of the day

She loosed the chain, and down she lay;

The broad stream bore her far away,

The Lady of Shalott.

— Alfred Lord Tennyson (1809-1892) “The Lady of Shalott”

I have always been an intuitive empath, but my twin flame ascension journey has since helped me cultivate my clairaudient channeling abilities and activate a mission as a multidimensional healer. While I prefer to tune in with tarot and oracle cards to gauge my clients' progress, I will also let you know if there is a channeled message that comes through for youwhether that be from yours or your counterpart's higher selves or from the archangelic realms.

As a prescriptive rather than predictive reader, I empower my clients to learn to maintain their own vibrational equilibrium rather than give their power away to external forces. While your twin flame recognition event may be a fated contractual event, timelines are not written in stone. They accelerate as YOU do your spiritual work and rise in consciousness. The ultimate goal for those on a twin flame journey is to ascend into 5D/Unity Consciousness which helps the whole planet evolve.

My unique spiritual readings draw from a wide range of credentials, natural and honed abilities, interpretive and divination tools, including:

Akashic Records Practitioner

Astrocartography (Locational Astrology)


Clairaudient Empath

Dream & Advanced Symbol Interpretation

Energy Psychology

Hadarian Lightworker

Karma Clearing

Multidimensional Healer


Polarity Balancing

Relationship Coaching

Release of Dark Energies, Entities, and Gridwork

Sacred Partnership (Soulmates & Twin Flames)

Spirit Guides, Archangels & Ascended Masters

Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT) Personal Practitioner

Tarot & Oracle Cards

& More!

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Regular Pricing: $0.10 per minute.

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  • Topics


    Love and Relationship


    Spiritual Counseling


    Dream Interpretation

    Past Life


    Life Path


  • Certificates & Education

    Akashic Records Practitioner

    Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT) Personal Practitioner

    Multidimensional Healer

    Level I

  • Languages


Keywords and Tags

Twin Flames; Soulmates; Spiritual Advising; Energy Healing; Relationship Coaching
