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Dharma Ext. 33

First Time Callers: 5 Free Minutes then the cost is $3.00 per minute.
Regular Pricing: $50.00 flat rate for 30 minutes then the cost is $5.00 per minute.

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Your healing, closure and guidance await you.

Hi! It's Dharma. I am a Shaman, Psychic Medium, lightworker, and spiritual life coach. I love helping others see their potential, remove their blockages, and assist them with their healing and spiritual journey.

I provide Shamanic healing to remove negative patterns and the feelings associated with them. I am also a Reiki Master/Teacher and can assist with energy healing and chakra balancing. I also work with clients who want guidance on their spiritual abilities and development, and spiritual life coaching.

As a Psychic Medium, I am able to provide insights on areas of your life psychically or as a Medium, connect with a loved one that has passed into spirit.

Phone Call

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Web Chat

Regular Pricing: $50.00 flat rate for 30 minutes then the cost is $3.00 per minute.

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  • Extension


  • Topics

    Shamanic Healing and Illumination

    Psychic Reading

    Spiritual Counseling


  • Certificates & Education

    JVP School - Mediumship Levels 1-3

    Master University of Metaphysical Science

    Shamanic Medicine Wheel

  • Languages


Keywords and Tags

Psychic, Shaman, Medium, Clairvoyant, healing, coach, illumination
