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Sezin Devi Ext. 44

First Time Callers: $40.00 flat rate for 20 minutes then the cost is $1.99 per minute.
Regular Pricing: $50.00 flat rate for 20 minutes then the cost is $2.50 per minute.

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Astrologer and intuitive card reader

As a card reader, I'm highly intuitive with a unique collection of decks who guide me and connect with the individual I'm helping at that moment. From traditional tarot (including a rare Twin Peaks deck, a Labyrinth deck, the Slow Holler queer southern deck, and Celtic tarot), to the Faerie Oracle, Frida Kahlo cards, a Goddesses of the World deck, to even the minimalist Zener cards, I'm able to use these tools help you see outside your current predicament and unblock obstructions in your path. Or reveal things you may be too close to see which are preventing you from the decisions you need to make or create the life you want. You have the option of choosing your own deck from my collection, or having me choose one for you.

As an astrologer, I've been studying the art of moving stars since 2001. In that time I have analyzed dozens of birth charts for people around the world. Our birth charts are a useful personality blueprint that offers us a snapshot of potentials in our life. As we age, so do our charts progress across the planets, changing the way we engage with ourselves, others, and the world.

I offer a variety of astrology readings, beginning with an in-depth natal chart reading of one hour. Once you've understood your core, my astro readings go further into your stars, with charts progressed to the current moment, helping you make decisions, heal, and bring your soul's journey further along.

I also offer multi-person readings for families, couples, and other relationship groups. But only once you have individually completed a birth chart reading. After all, understanding ourselves first and foremost is the key to figuring out all our other relationships, and especially when the goal is to turn toxic patterns into a healthy and balanced life.

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First Time Callers: $50.00 flat rate for 20 minutes then the cost is $3.00 per minute.
Regular Pricing: $50.00 flat rate for 15 minutes then the cost is $3.50 per minute.

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Astrology, card reading
