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Lady Nenari Ext. 48

First Time Callers: $2.22 per minute.
Regular Pricing: $48.00 flat rate for 20 minutes then the cost is $4.44 per minute.

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Soul Wisdom Given through the Akashic Records

Aloha Beautiful Soul! I Am Lady Nenari and an experienced Akashic Records reader with over 35 years of expertise in delving into the depths of your Soul and its path. Through the 12 Near Death Experiences I have had in this life and also being blessed with natural born gifts of accessing the Akashic Records (your soul records), I offer spiritual soul guidance on various aspects of your life's journey. I also provide wisdom and blessings as required in a session through channeling, aura reading, chakra alignment/balancing, reiki (as a reiki master), crystal healing, shamanic healing, dream interpretation, animal communication, and numerology. Whether it is uncovering your Soul's Purpose, exploring your starseed origins, Soul Agreements with individuals from this life and other lives, providing mentorship guidance on career paths, relationships including twinsouls and soulmates, addressing health concerns, exploring other lives you have had and their impact on this life, or facilitating how to heal from trauma and wounds, I provide honest wisdom sourced directly from your soul records of what path is best for you. My approach is rooted in compassion and love, aiming to offer the guidance you truly need rather than what you may wish to hear. I eagerly anticipate the opportunity to assist you in illuminating your soul's path and supporting your thriving journey through life.

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First Time Callers: $2.22 per minute.
Regular Pricing: $4.44 per minute.

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  • Topics

    Shamanic Healing and Illumination

    E.T. Readings

    Love and Relationship

    Psychic Reading

    Spiritual Counseling

    Animal Communication


    Dream Interpretation

    Past Life


    Life Path



  • Certificates & Education

    Complimentary Wholistic Therapist and Lifetime Practitioner Member of the CTAA (Complimentary Therapists Accredited Association CTAA Lifetime Membership Number 10662756)

    Meditational Hypnotherapist

    Chakra Therapist

    Reiki Master

    Spiritual Counselin

  • Languages


Keywords and Tags

Akashic Records, Soul Wisdom, Healing, Psychic, Chakra, Readings
