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Niamh Ext. 99

First Time Callers: $1.11 per minute.
Regular Pricing: $3.33 per minute.

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Helping You Sort Through Life's Chaos

Fáilte! I'm Niamh (Neve), an intuitive and clairaudient tarot reader with a deep connection to the spirit world.

Since I was young, I've always had a strong sense of knowing, a feeling that would often guide me in the right direction. Now, I understand that this intuition is my spirit guide, Elisa, reaching out to me. Together, we can help you find answers to the questions weighing on your heart and guide you with confidence on your unique path.

If you're new to psychic readings, there's no need to worry! I love offering general readings to share the messages your own spirit guides might have for you. In addition to tarot, I also work with oracle cards and pendulums to provide a well-rounded perspective.

But our work goes beyond just readings. Did you know you have spirit guides too? They're probably right there with you, waiting to be heard. I can help you connect with them through meditation (trust me, it's easier than you think!). Once you learn to recognize their presence and understand their messages, you'll have a constant source of support and guidance at your fingertips.

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First Time Callers: $10.00 flat rate for 15 minutes then the cost is $1.11 per minute.
Regular Pricing: $50.00 flat rate for 20 minutes then the cost is $3.33 per minute.

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    Love and Relationship

    Psychic Reading


    Spiritual Counseling

    Dream Interpretation

    Life Path



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Keywords and Tags

clairaudient, intuitive, tarot, oracle, pendulum, spirit guides
