How It Works

Get The Support You Want!


Verified Professionals

We are network of professional Life Coaches, Wellness Practitioners, Intuitive & Metaphysical Practitioners, in a wide variety of fields. Find the advice you've been looking for by simply calling into our line.

Safe. Secure. Confidential.

Create your listing - get a custom page on our site and an extension on our toll free line. You get:

  • In Control of Your Schedule
  • Internal Messaging
  • Intuitive Control Panel
  • Call Blocking
  • ... and more!

Benefits of Calling Our Hotline

Privacy and Comfort: We understand that discussing personal matters can be sensitive. By choosing our hotline, you can have private consultations without worrying about being overheard or judged. Our secure and confidential platform ensures your information remains strictly between you and our practitioners.
4. Tailored Approach: We believe in the power of individualized support. Our practitioners take the time to understand your unique needs and goals, providing guidance and solutions that resonate with you on a deep level. Through our personalized approach, we empower you to make informed decisions and take positive steps towards a happier and healthier life.

5. Flexibility: Our hotline offers flexible appointment options to suit your busy schedule. Whether you prefer a quick session during a lunch break or a more in-depth exploration of your wellness journey, we have appointment slots available to accommodate your needs.

Don't wait any longer to experience the profound benefits of intuitive readings, akashic work, wellness coaching, and more. Take a leap towards personal growth, self-discovery, and holistic well-being by contacting our Virtual Wellness Hotline today.

Schedule your session now and embark on a transformative journey from the comfort and convenience of your own home. Your well-being deserves the best – let us guide you towards a brighter future.

Or simply Call Now and select a category by phone 1-808-400-1124

Join Us & Share Your Wisdom!

  • Create your listing - get a custom page on our site and an extension on our hotline!
  • Do what you love and share your gifts with the world.
  • Set your own schedule and work when you want.
  • Insert our simple code into your own website to show clients your availability and let them click to call you.
  • Provide your own graphics for your status indicators and click to call buttons to match the look of our website.
  • Keep track of your calls and earnings with our user friendly control panel.
  • Must be willing and able to pass a background check.
  • To apply, please email us at