This Company is committed to ethical advertising and billing procedures. We treat clients with dignity, respect, and complete transparency in how we run this company.
Please Note: We take fraud seriously and verify the information for your protection and ours. Any suspected fraud using a credit card will be reported to the proper authorities, the credit card company, and your local bank.
By doing business with us you have submitted yourself to the jurisdiction of both Oregon and Pennsylvania courts and law, which provides, among other things, punitive damages for malice, fraud, or oppression.
What Constitutes Credit Card Fraud?
You use your credit card to make a purchase and then claim that you did not authorize such a transaction, that you have no idea what the charge is for, and/or you claim the card number was stolen.
How Will We Prove Your Identity?
Through your telephone number and the information, we have collected from you. In court, your telephone number will verify your identity and the exact time you used our services. Calling a toll-free telephone means you cannot "block" your number even if you use "anonymous call block", we are able to see your number when your call is active, and our system keeps an exact record of it for years. We also record your IP address through our secured billing server
How Will We Collect?
We will investigate every detail of your call/s. We will contact your bank and personally speak with the Dispute Department to provide them with all information obtained. We will provide all evidence and details on the content of your call, the services you purchased, the amount you have spent, and every Agent you have spoken to. These records will also be mailed to your home address or work address via certified mail. Your bank will evaluate all evidence and if they suspect you lied to commit fraud they will add you to a negative database, close your account with them, and likely take legal action against you. We will report fraud to your local police department and the FBI. We will win, and have plenty of experience handling this matter with a 99% success rate. This means not only will we retrieve the money you spent on the service but also additional costs for damages. Moreover, there are many more applicable state and federal laws providing sanctions for credit card fraud.
Credit card fraud is a serious offense and will be prosecuted to the fullest extent possible. This 'No Tolerance' policy of fighting back each and every case of credit card fraud by our designated agent will cost you much more money in the end than the original amount you fraudulently tried to get away with. Last but not least, depending on the circumstances, you may even spend some time in jail. That could lead to losing everything you have, including your house, automobiles, and your job.
We sincerely hope that it will not come to this, but credit card fraud can not and will not be tolerated.