Welcome to LustyVoice.com! Here are details about using our service.
QUESTION: Why should I join the website?
ANSWER: Because you are able to save your favorite ladies, you can email the ladies, you can do paid chat sessions, you can keep an eye on your spending, you can view reports, open support tickets, contact us quickly for billing issues, and more! The best reason to join is that you can easily add funds to your account in bulk and you never lose that money. You just add a flat fee amount and you can do multiple calls or longer calls until those funds are used. This means fewer charges on your account. And lastly, it's free to join, there are no charges to be a member.
QUESTION: Are the calls really just $10?
ANSWER: Yep! The minimum charge is $10 for 5 minutes. After that, it is $2.00 per minute. Ultimately you can talk as long as you'd like. We have no additional charges, no connection fees, and we bill down to the second without ever rounding the time up.
QUESTION: How is the billing done?
ANSWER: Our billing system is automated. You never have to give your personal details out to a live person. You maintain control of what you spend because you have to approve the charges. There are no connection charges or additional fees. We accept all major credit cards. Our billing name can show up as Psychic Readers, Life Coaches, and other assorted professional services like Legal Consulting and even Counseling. It's not just phone sex. So, if your partner ever asks about this charge on your bill you can cover your ass by saying you used another type of service.
QUESTION: How do the charges work?
ANSWER: We put a temporary hold on your account to make sure you have funds available for a call. You are only billed when you are connected to a lusty lady. And your call is not billed until AFTER the call ends. We bill to the "second" rather than rounding up minutes as many services do. If you extend a call, we put a $40 hold on your account until your call ends. But you are ONLY billed for the number of minutes used. This is NOT a flat fee charge. If you call a lady while their status is set to available but she does not answer, then you will NOT be charged. You will only be charged if the phone is answered then you are connected and that is the only way you are charged. However, the hold will be on your account for roughly 24 hours.
QUESTION: Why did my card decline?
ANSWER: If you come up with a Decline on your card - please make sure you look under My Account and My Credit Cards. Check Edit to make sure your name and address are filled out properly. This is the most common reason for a Decline when you know you have the funds available.
QUESTION: How can I get more details on one of the ladies?
ANSWER: Send her an email and ask whatever you'd like to know prior to paying for a call. You may not get an immediate response as the ladies are not staring at the computer waiting for messages, so please be patient and allow them time to get back to you. All of our operators have a personal page with details. Some have voice samples.